In Gratitude: Save big on our Contemporary Bach Flower courses, this week only! 🌸

Rediscover the Bach Flower Essences!

When we first started teaching this series in 2023, we didn’t know how many of you would be interested in deeply exploring the uses of the Bach Flowers, using the foundational teachings of Julian Barnard as our wellspring.

The response was a resounding β€œyes!”, and together we did a deep dive into the plant signatures, sharing our years of experience with these essences in practice. The richness of the student discussions that emerged in session made it a Bach flower learning experience like no other.

Bach Flowers in Contemporary Practice

To achieve this with all 38 Bach flowers, we created a four-part series with the initial classes offered live. We've already delivered Part One and Two, and now replays of these courses are available and on sale!

This is your chance to catch up before we offer Part Three in 2025.

In gratitude, here's our offering this week

We've bundled Part One and Part Two so you can purchase them together for half price. Get two courses for the price of one!

Bach Flower Bundle (includes Part One & Two)

50% off on the bundle!

Use Coupon Code:


during checkout



Already own one of the courses? Get the other for 30% off!

Part One

30% off! Use Coupon Code:


during checkout

Part Two

30% off! Use Coupon Code:


during checkout


Thank you for being a part of our community

From our initial collaboration as the creators of the 2022 Flower Essence Conference and subsequent blooming into the School for Flower Essence Studies, we have deep gratitude for all of you who have joined us along the way.

Thank you for being in love with flower essences and the ever-expanding exploration of plant wisdom! Reply to let us know how we can continue to be of service as we evolve together.


Keep flowering,

✨ Rochana, Kathleen, and Ruth

​The School for Flower Essence Studies​



CONTACT: Reply to any of our emails or send a message to:​​


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*if you unsubscribe completely we won't be able to send you course communications β€” if you're a student, please update your preferences instead


Flower Essence Studies LLC

PO Box 1939, Healdsburg, CA 95448-1939


The School for Flower Essence Studies

Check out the offerings on our website and sign up for our newsletter!

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